Launch of MicuraPharm
With the building of the new innovation center, MicuraPharm will be based in a state-of-the-art new building near Mainz.

Launch of MicuraPharm
Technological innovations on the soil of a Celtic village - The site on which the production and innovation center of the newly founded MicuraPharm GmbH is to be built was already home to the Celts between 800 and 450 years before the birth of Christ.
The archaeological excavations and the spectacular finds of the ancient Celtic settlement in Klein-Winternheim have been surprising in terms of craftsmanship and innovation. Continuing this tradition, construction work for the new production and development center of the Klein-Winternheim company will begin in April 2022. Completion of the new building is scheduled for early 2023.
A modern plant will then be built on the site of the former Celtic village, which will operate internationally as a development center in the field of medical technology. "We are therefore laying the foundation for the future of MicuraPharm," explains Pierre Mähringer-Kunz, who acts as managing director together with his father Edgar Mähringer-Kunz.
Father and son are already successfully acting at the top of the custom manufacturing company IMSTec GmbH and would like to further expand the business areas in the coming years. The custom manufacturing company from Klein-Winternheim had already entered the mask production business during the pandemic and produces high-quality FFP2 masks under the brand name BlueBec.
"With IMSTec GmbH, we have been developing highly innovative production and manufacturing systems for medical, pharmaceutical and precision engineering for 17 years," explains Managing Director Edgar Mähringer-Kunz. "Many years of experience together with the right know-how enable us to break new ground." MicuraPharm GmbH was founded at the beginning of 2022 for this new business field. Medical technology and pharmaceutical products are to be manufactured in the company's subsidiary. A particular focus here is on the manufacture and sale of personal protective equipment as well as systems for patient-specific blistering of pharmaceuticals.
Background: Up to now, the process of blistering for weekly patient blisters in nursing homes, for example, has mainly been carried out manually and is therefore very error-prone. Many pharmacies and nursing homes can only fill weekly patient blister at great expense in terms of personnel. They also bear a high risk, as errors in blistering cannot be ruled out with manual filling. Incorrect medication can have harmful - even life-threatening - consequences for those affected. The fully automated system developed not only makes the process safer, but also saves on personnel costs and relieves the burden on nursing.
"IMSTec GmbH is not an unknown company to us as a country. The company has long stood out for its innovative strength in the fields of pharmaceutical and medical technology," said State Secretary Petra Dick-Walther.
The new building will create an additional 4,000 square meters of production space and 3,800 square meters of laboratory and office space. In addition, the expansion of the business area and the growth in mechanical engineering will create more than 100 additional highly qualified jobs in the Group over the next five years.