A new approach to blistering

Simpler, safer, and more efficient - this is what tomorrow's medication supply will look like. Our newly developed cup blisters are designed to meet the needs of pharmacies, caregivers and patients.
Easy-to-separate cups with a user-friendly design, batch and expiry date tracking, and maximum hygiene - these are just some of the advantages of our innovative blister.

Wochenblister mit vollautomatischer Anlage sicher und schnell hergestellt
Wochenblister mit einzeln abtrennbaren Bechern für Pflegeheime, mobile Pflegedienste oder Privatpersonen

More safety & comfort

Learn about the benefits of our cup blisters

With your pharmacy's weekly blister, medication changes can be made at any time. The result is a medication plan that is up-to-date, safe, and customized for your patient.

Piktogramm Becherblister einzeln abtrennbar, Medikamente direkt Patienten verabreichen

The blister cups can be easily detached for single or multiple doses. Easy and convenient handling for you and your patients is guaranteed.

Piktogramm Zeit und Kosten einsparen mit vollautomatischer Verblisterungsmaschine

Time-consuming deblistering and time-consuming medication dispensing are no longer necessary, so that you are more productive and have more time for your patients.

With the color-coded cover card and matching illustrations, you can easily assign and check the medications.

In the video we show how our MicuraPharm cup blister is being used.

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Start now with our cup blister

See the quality for yourself

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This is how our blister works

Together with pharmacies and nursing homes, we have identified the needs of patients when it comes to supplying medication. Take a look at the design of our innovative cup blister and see for yourself:

Digital Documentation of the Intake

QR Code for Secure Documentation and Traceability.
If required, the individual cups can be provided with a QR code. The documentation of the individual intake is done with one click. Nursing professionals can record medication safely and quickly.

Simple Identification

Color-coded Cover Card & Matching Pictures
Color-coded cover card & matching pictures - For easy assignment & checking of medication

Patient-friendly Design

The cups can be opened easily using the flap and are resealable.
The cups can be opened easily using the flap and are resealable. Safe, simple and convenient handling for you and your patients.

All Information at a Glance

All Information at a Glance
Information on dosages and recommended intake is also documented on each patient blister.
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