Opening ceremony Plant II with Democenter
MicuraPharm has officially moved into its new premises. Together with the Democenter, the state-of-the-art new building in the industrial park in Klein-Winternheim was officially opened.

After about a year of construction, MicuraPharm GmbH has moved into its new location together with the recently founded company IMSTecMedical GmbH.
From a celtic village to an innovation center - this is the theme under which IMSTec inaugurated its new company building. This is because archaeological excavations, which took place in the run-up to the construction project, had brought to light a Celtic settlement covering about 7 hectares. The historical finds were restored with the financial support of IMSTec and can now be viewed in the foyer of the new building.
On the occasion of the inauguration ceremony, IMSTec Managing Director Edgar Mähringer-Kunz drew a bow from the artisanal achievements of the Iron Age to the company's high-tech innovations. Construction work began in April of last year, and about a year after the groundbreaking ceremony, the modern offices and production hall were put into operation. In the future, innovative products in the fields of medical, pharmaceutical and precision engineering will be developed on a production area of 3,200 m² and an office and administration area of 2,800 m².
The latest innovation from IMSTec is located in the 160 m² demo center. The D³-System, short for Daily Dose Dispenser, was developed in cooperation with the company KNAPP from Graz. It is the first fully automated system for the production of patient-specific blisters.
Especially against the background of increasing patient numbers, this presents pharmacies with great challenges. The system manages the tablets itself. The tablet remains in its original blister until immediate filling," says Managing Director Edgar Mähringer-Kunz, adding, "the system does all this at breakneck speed and with maximum safety." KNAPP's D³-System can be operated with one pharmaceutical specialist. Due to the modularity of the system, up to 5000 patients can be supplied with weekly blisters. In the system, the individual work steps are automatically checked and documented.

Glass beads, bracelets & ritual findings
For background information: During the development of the Klein-Winternheim industrial estate "Am Berg V" in 2020, the remains of a Celtic village were uncovered, which dates back to 800 to 450 BC. At around 7 hectares, the village was as large as the old town center of Klein-Winternheim. Several archaeological objects were also discovered on the construction site of IMSTec in March 2021. In addition to jewelry, burial objects were also found. These included a bowl for ritual acts and glass beads.