March 15, 2024


MicuraPharm CEO Edgar Mähringer-Kunz had the pleasure of presenting KNAPP's D³ Daily Dose Dispenser, the first fully automated blistering system, at an event organized by the software company.

Foto Tabletten bunt gemischt Verblisterung
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A new approach to blister processing

Under this headline, our CEO Edgar Mähringer-Kunz and our Director of Business Development Wolfgang Breger were invited to the kick-off event for the entire PHARMATECHNIK sales team in Starnberg at the end of February.

Edgar Mähringer-Kunz had the opportunity to present our company and the world's first fully automated blistering system to his colleagues in the sales force and then to discuss questions on the topic of "Rethinking blistering" in a subsequent panel discussion with PHARMATECHNIK's sales management and other industry partners. All those involved have recognized the importance of blister dispensing both for society and for local pharmacies and would like to play an even greater role in this area in the future. 

"We are 100 percent convinced that a changeover to blister dispensing will prevail, as the demand from pharmacies, nursing staff and patients is very high. There will certainly be some challenges to overcome in order to initiate this change, but where is that not the case?" summarizes Edgar Mähringer-Kunz. 

He would like to supply not only nursing homes, but also care services and private patients with the innovative blister solution from MicuraPharm. The focus is on the stationary pharmacy, which can supply all three customer groups with our 7x5 cup blisters.

7x5 Wochenblister mit Deckkarte und Patienteninformationen

We have summarized the three most important questions for you below.

Inpatient home care is limited by a lack of space and staff shortages. Against this background, how do you assess the growth in the supply of patient blister packs?

Edgar Mähringer-Kunz: It is essential that we start before inpatient care, namely in the area of domestic care. We currently have around 5 million people in various degrees of care. It is estimated that around 700,000 of these patients are in nursing homes. The vast majority of patients are therefore at their own homes. I know from my own experience what it's like when you work and your parents don't live near you, but they need more and more support. This is where relatives or mobile care services come into play.

What role does the pharmacy play here?

Edgar Mähringer-Kunz: The pharmacy is a decisive driving force here. All prescriptions come together in the pharmacy. It is crucial that pharmacies provide information about what is available and show what solutions are available for patients and their family members at home. Pharmacies can offer security instead of jumbled packs of medication that elderly people have to put together on their own. Adherence to medication is the decisive aspect in determining whether someone stays in their home environment for a long time. Because once torn out by health problems, the way back is infinitely difficult.

What are the challenges in blister dispensing and how can they be overcome even better?
Edgar Mähringer-Kunz: There are incredible hurdles in the German healthcare system. We currently have a situation where the nursing service receives money for providing the medication. If they now obtain their patient blisters from the pharmacy, the service is no longer provided. The entire remuneration system is so suboptimally structured and does not meet the needs of those involved.
In addition, more demand must be created via the market. I have yet to see a single television commercial or advertisement on the subject of safe medication supply. Furthermore, it is difficult for industrial partners to get involved because the general premise is that the topic is not economically viable.

We would like to thank PHARMATECHNIK for letting us take part in this interesting exchange.